Title: Applying the Brakes Fandom: The Amazing Spiderman Character(s)/Pairing(s): Harry Osborn & Peter Parker Rating: G Word count: 100 Warnings: None Challenge: 114 : Whiplash Characters disclaimed.
Working Title: The World's Author: Kat Lee Fandom: Spiderman Character/Pairing: Peter/MJ Rating: PG/K+ Challenge: #95: Post It Note Warning(s): None Word Count: 173 Summary: ( She's grown accustomed to having to share her husband. )
Title:Welcome Distraction Fandom: Spider-Man, Fantastic Four Pairing:Johhny Storm/Peter Parker Rating:PG Word Count:283 Warnings: None Summary:Johhny finds a way to distract Peter from the horrors of daytime TV
Title: Spring Again Author: I_llbedammned Fandom: Spider-Man Characters/Pairing: Peter Parker/Mary-Jane, Wolverine, Vulture Rating: PG Warnings: Death Challenge: #29 Spring here Word Count: 500
Title: Front Page News Fandom: Marvel (Spiderman) Character(s)/Pairing(s): Peter Parker, J. Jonah Jameson Rating: G Word count: 289 Warnings: ... none, really. Challenge: #009 Gasp